Walmart Continued - They're still evil, but maybe not anti-capitalism
I started this conversation over at my other blog, IProbablyhateyourteam, which you can find here. After a day and after talking to Chris, I realized I had several errors in what I initially posted. See below for an explanation.
Chris: wrong
Chris: wrong
see also comment #1
10:01 AM me: I agree, but that is NOT the case in a lot of areas
they are your only option
Chris: no
there is always an option
me: so capitalism is null and void
Chris: if they murdered their customers at the door, would they be the only choice?
me: see, that is where capitalists are naive and don't have a real sense of reality
Chris: what would happen if they were the "only option", but they murdered randomly 1 out of 10 customers?
they would cease to be the only option, right???
10:02 AM if the answer is "yes", then that means that at some point, there is a level of "evilness" at which people will stop shopping there
and people have decided for themselves that they have not reached that point
me: in your crazy situation, yes
10:04 AM Chris: I don't even need any of the stuff that Walmart sells. They're not a life necessity
only food & shelter are
i haven't been to a target or walmart in months
and the internet gives me virtually unlimited options
10:05 AM me: but what about this situation. a rural town that is far from other towns (50+ miles). Their only option in their town to buy food and clothing is Walmart. Most people are poor and can't afford to drive 100 miles for to do shopping. So what do they do? They shop and work at Walmart
10:06 AM walmart will put their prices at what the market dictates for that area, else they'll go out of business
10:07 AM but if they pollute the environment, treat their workers shitty, the consumer has virtually no other option
these people can't afford the internet, they can't afford to drive other places
10:08 AM so what if there is no other option
stand up to your principles and drive 100 miles, spend $20 on gas, and you give up eating for a day
or you just have to continue shopping at Walmart
10:09 AM when it comes to survival, people will chose to keep valuable resources such as eating and shelter over their principles
10:10 AM Chris: well then that means that they are deciding that those things are more important
the internet is so cheap
it's going to save you way more money than shopping at walmart
in the long run
10:11 AM me: true
but it's not like you can just subscribe to the internet chris
you have to buy a computer
Chris: OLPC
$100 laptop!
me: you have to pay more on your electric bill
Chris: meh, if I left my computer on all day
10:12 AM and this is a desktop, mind you
that's 300W
7.2 kW-hr per day
me: you probably have to have a credit card
Chris: so we're talking about dirt-poor, barely affording a trailer park, communities here?
me: possibly
i don't know 100%
10:13 AM Chris: i doubt walmart is making much jmoney off of them
10:14 AM me: well there could be other consumers in the area who could care less about Walmart's practices - low price is their bottom line, so they shop there
Chris: so....that means that the market doesn't care about walmart's "evilness"?
me: but part of the market does
10:15 AM Chris: how much of it?
if that were true, you could open a new store in that community
charge more money than walmart, but some segmnet of people would think it was worth it
me: believe me Chris, I want you to prove me wrong, because thinking like this is anticapitalism, and in my opinion capitalism is by far out best option
Chris: it wouldn't matter that walmart undercuts you, because the "evil" people would shop at walmart and the "righteous" people would shop at Dave's Goods
10:16 AM me: yes, but again its like the having to drive somewhere else...what do these people have to give up to pay more, to uphold their principles?
10:17 AM Chris: well, walmart's prices are so cheap because they are so "evil"
if you don't want to be "evil", you have to charge more
they're not giving up anything
they're just gaining if they shop at walmart
gaining in lower prices, that is
10:18 AM so it's not that they're trading more money for less evilness if they shop at Dave's
it's that they're trading more evilness for less money if they shop at Walmart
me: but my point was, what if they CAN'T afford to shop at Dave's goods
Chris: then they can't afford to shop anywhere except for evil places
because you can't do it for that cheap
10:19 AM me: right
Chris: unless you start recovering medical costs and cutting corners
it just can't be done
walmart is saying "look, we know you need dirt-cheap stuff, and this is how we have to run things to make it dirt cheap. We're not sorry, because we're providing a service"
10:20 AM me: but the whole point of that post was to inform consumers who can afford to shop elsewhere that they should. I'll concede that I should say Walmart is anti-capitalism but rather the ugly side of capitalism
Chris: i think it's the beautiful side of capitalism
it's showing that even in the most dire circumstances, the market will ifnd a way to provide a product
it's showing that there's always a way to get a service or goods
10:21 AM me: even if it means screwing the consumer
Chris: but that these things aren't "free" in every sense and that there are always tradeoffs
but "Dave's goods" is screwing the consumer by charging more money!
who is to say that recovering medical expenses is screwing the consumer any more than charging an extra dollar per good?
me: I feel like the bad part about capitalism is that it often screws individuals and small groups in order to provide a better "service" to a larger group
10:22 AM Chris: well, i feel that way about democracy, the whole idea of pleasing the majority at the expense of the minority
10:23 AM but in the free market, the minority can often make up its own submarket
that's the whole idea of niche markets
if you have more value to offer them, then you can make money
me: well, don't get me going about "democracy"
Chris: but we can't just give things away for free
because then the market would be screwing Dave
10:24 AM me: but walmart wasn't giving things away for "free" in this case...that woman paid into their insurance plan
Chris: right, right i know
what i meant is
Dave's Goods can't give the same price as Walmart and also stop all the "bad" things that Walmart does
the reason walmart has those prices is because of the way they run things
so you can't have both
10:25 AM (maybe you can actually, but Walmart has put a lot of research into these things so it's unlikely that they're missing something)
10:26 AM me: right, i don't disagree with you there
10:27 AM but what about this scenario..
walmart is the only place in town to get food
10:30 AM you dislike walmart and don't want to shop there but you have no other option. hmm...I might actually be arguing against myself here, but i'll continue anyway
10:31 AM i guess if you can't afford to shop at anywhere but walmart, then walmart being there, although doing things you don't like, is better then them not being there and you not being able to get the services they offer otherwise?
10:34 AM Chris: well, yeah
but, i see what you're trying to get at
if they are, in present time, the only option, then that sucks
10:35 AM but my point is, if you were sincere and honest in saying that you didn't like walmart
then you would have supported the other business that came in and offered better servcies at slightly higher prices
people who hate walmart say that other companies can't compete because walmart always undercuts them
but undercutting them shouldn't matter if people are honest in saying that they don't like walmart's services
so the people that write these articles and walmart diatribes are trying to have it both ways
10:36 AM they are trying to say that people would be willing to pay a premium for a company that was less evil than walmart
but then saying that those companies don't succeed because walmart undercuts them
so the argument is inconsistent
either the premium is worth the services, or it's not
10:37 AM also, free shipping and automatically weekly delivery of cheap groceries:
me: yeah, you're 100% right
10:38 AM Chris: I for one think that walmart's prices are not worth it
i hate walmart
10:39 AM but only because the employees are rude, and the store is filthy
and the customers are awful
so that's why i don't shop there, even though their prices are low
it's not because i think that the employ_er_ is awful
i'd soooo much rather shop at Target
but, i totally support those who decide for themselves that walmart is worth it
10:40 AM and i think it's cool that walmart can provide super cheap goods to people who might need it
10:41 AM however, telling people to wake up and not shop at walmart is one way to get them to start being willing to pay that premium for better services and more "moral" practices"
but you'll always have people that need cheaper goods
luckily, the internet is going to make that easier
me: I think I just had an epiphany about that. People a lot of times talk the talk but don't walk the walk. We were actually talking about that yesterday in terms of pollution. you can tell people different ways to reduce pollution and people will often times say they'll do that, but then won't. So unless you have a way to show others how much each person pollutes, and make them exposed to criticism, they won't alter their behavior.
10:43 AM Chris: agreed 100%
so complaining about it does have a purpose, as long as you focus it the correct way
me: true
Chris: a lot of people just say "walmart shouldn't do these tings"
instead of saying "you should be willing to pay more for a company that doesn't do these things, and here's why"
ditto w/ pollution
10:44 AM but it's so hard to get people to see the long-term for pollution, so i sympathize and appreciate your difficulties there
10:45 AM same thing w/ organics (if indeed they are better). I know a lot of people who say they support "small farms" (even though i loathe the artificial support of small farms), but when it comes time to do grocery shopping, they buy whichever milk is cheapest\
10:46 AM me: exactly
well, you shouldn't hate small farms
you should love them
small farms get about 1% of federal farm subsidies
and you can buy a share of a small farm and they'll deliver whatever crops they sell to you
10:47 AM and they receive no federal subsidies
what you should really hate are subsidies on sugar, corn, cotton and other good
Chris: well, i originally was going to say i hate small farms
but i don't
what i hate is the artificial support of them
if they are good, they shoudl succeed
10:48 AM and if they're not, then they fail
but i do go to the farmer's market and such
because i like fresh produce
me: all of the products that come from those goods (shirts, sugar based drinks - soda, juices, etc.) are super artificially cheap
10:49 AM so when its cheaper to buy a case of soda then it is 5 oranges, people drink more soda
its part of the obesity problem facing the U.S.
things that are bad for you are cheap
because of these subsidies
and then you have the issue of crop insurance
10:50 AM Chris: yeah, here's a funny chart of that actually
soft drinks have had the biggest decrease in prices
10:51 AM wrt to this specific walmart article, btw, i do think it's kinda fucked up. However, one could also argue that the trucking company is evil for not paying the money
if the lawyers had known, they would have sued the trucking company for walmart's recovery, plus the long-term care costs
10:52 AM so if we expect walmart to pay them back, we should also expect the trucking company to pay them back
after all, it's the truck co's fault that she needs the care
the article is so biased against walmart, it pulls the classic "they made 90 billion, they can afford it" shindig
10:53 AM if i'm supposed to get reimbursed $5 for parking at a company event, and then they try to take it back, i'm going to be pissed
but i don't "need" the $5 either
10:54 AM fortunately, the legal system and i get to decide if i really need it or not, not the guy who owes me the money
10:56 AM me: very valid point
their lawyer should be partially responsible for this
Chris: (also, note that government is totally different than capitalism, in that we can't have multiple competing but distinct niche markets. This is essentially what anarchocapitalism and some forms of libertarianism argue for, turning the government into a free market so that we don't oppress minorities at the behest of majorities)
me: based on the article, i feel if they got $1 from the trucking company Walmart could then recover all of their medical costs
Chris: he obviously knew about the clause, since he's the one that told Walmart about the settlement
10:57 AM me: yeah
Chris: right, they'd recover $470,000, leaving 530,000 for expenses
10:58 AM me: the family gets screwed because of it all. maybe someone should suggest that the family than sue the lawyer for not acting in the best interest of their client?
Chris: so walmart could be noble, but so could a lot of other people
it's a big clusterfuck, to be sure
me: true
10:59 AM Chris: but it's easy to blame walmart since they're rich, and therefor evil
me: I mean, I can see Walmart's argument in saying listen, if you get this huge settlement for the person/entity that did this, why should we be the ones taking that hit?
i don't think walmart is evil because they're rich
11:00 AM it's your goal in capitalism to be rich
Chris: well, it's your goal to be justly rewarded for the services that you provide
me: if someone thinks they can do it better, I'm sure walmart would welcome them to
11:01 AM Chris: let's say it's your goal to maximize your own utitlity
which could be good deeds
or money
or freedom, or whatever
but a lot of (mostly hippies) think that rich people must have done it by being evil
in reality they did it because the hippies and a lot of other people didn't walk the walk, as you say
if they did walk the walk, then it would be a hippie company that was rich
11:02 AM and the "evil" people would be complaining that all the rich companies are socialist
instead of the hippies complaining that all the rich companies are immoral
me: haha, its so true
11:05 AM Chris: now go forth and post this conversation ;-)
5 minutes |
11:10 AM me: I was thinking about just posting the entire thing
11:11 AM do you have a blog? I'll link to your blog in my post if you'd like...
Chris: i have one set up, but unfortunately there's no posts yet
i'm thinking of writing an introduction though, so maybe this will give me a good reason to start
11:12 AM so gimme a day and then post it later with a link
me: k
sounds good
11:13 AM i might actually switch the whole thing over to my other blog, "Random Stuff"
11:16 AM btw, that article on regrowing body parts was amazing
Chris: true
totally crazy
me: buy god forbid we do stem cell research
11:18 AM that could be one of the biggest medical breakthroughs since the discovery of penicillin
Chris: don't even get me started on that
me: actually, its not science
its just a miracle of god
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